New Justice League BTS Photo Sees The Team Assemble

Unfortunately, San Diego Comic-Con 2018 came and went, and the Snyder cut of Justice League was nowhere to be seen. So, although it’ll be difficult to admit, I think we can finally put the notion of a director’s cut to bed. At least, for the time being. Maybe years and years down the road it’ll surface, but for the immediate future, we wouldn’t expect anything to pop up.

That said, given Zack’s sterling reputation on social media, and if he has indeed finally come to terms with his departure from the DCEU – or, should I say, Worlds of DC – you can probably expect Snyder to continue unloading his now obsolete vision on everyone’s favorite interactive platform, Vero.

In the meantime, though, while we wait for the next tidbit to surface, a new behind the scenes image featuring Superman (Henry Cavill), Batman (Ben Affleck), Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot), Cyborg (Ray Fisher), Aquaman (Jason Momoa), and The Flash (Ezra Miller), all assembled atop a wall – following Steppenwolf’s (Ciaran Hinds) downfall, I believe – has arrived online.

At the moment, it’s somewhat difficult to tell if the photo, which emerged via Reddit, was meant to be apart of a more extended sequence, but either way, it’s still a pretty cool set piece and, who knows, it might be one of the last times we ever get to see this version of the titular supergroup together.

Regardless, I’m still enjoying all of these BTS goodies, whether they be from Justice LeagueBatman V Superman: Dawn of Justice or Man of Steel, as I’m sure you are, too. As such, we’ll be sure to keep you posted should anymore make their way onto the interweb.

from We Got This Covered


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